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Here - again, with video, and a brief reference to a partner company Streetline. Again, I understand that a lot of carbon emissions come from drivers looking for a place to park, so making it easier for them to find spaces reduce their overall emissions.

But it also makes the experience of driving into the city more predictable, and all-round nicer - one of the reasons why I never ever drive into the city any more is the likelihood that I won't find parking. Making it easier to find parking acts as a virtual increase in the number of parking spaces, but arguably cities should be reducing the number of parking spaces so as to encourage more sustainable modes of transport.

1 comment:

  1. blank

    I have been listening to the same problems and suggested solutions since 2008 when I started to get interested in what they call ITS as a Systems Engineer with AI background who always been interested in improving systems performance, I was very disappointment.

    I have a an old presentation in my slideshare date back to 2008 discussing how information should be communicated to traveller...the slide was used then by TSB to show how behaviour change is highly dependent on traveller confidence in the system

    I am building a Virtual Centre around this. We have a LinkedIn discussion board in IMobility future Vision group -
    Group Profile:


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